Sunday, 19 May 2013

School library scoop

I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I happened upon a massive collection of 60s, 70s, 80s (and one 30s) craft books in my local bric-a-brac market yesterday. All from a school library in East Dulwich in south east London – and at £1 a pop, I bought as many as I could carry.

Sadly, for reasons of shelf space, I had to leave behind titles on macramé, plaiting, braiding, soft toy making and other skillz just a little out of the scope of my interests, but this little lot will keep me going for a while. Watch this space for some of the highlights.


  1. Hi,
    I found you via Pinterest and am happy I did. I have been collecting vintage craft/needlwork books for years and am thrilled to be able to peek through your collection as well.
    Any chance of putting a 'follow by email' gadget on your sidebar so that I can get new posts into my email?

    1. Hi Denise
      Thanks for reading and for your comment...
      Re the email button - no sooner said than done! (see foot of page)
      All the best
